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Male Infertility

What is Male Infertility?

Reproduction (or making a baby) is a simple and natural experience for most couples. However, for some couples it is very difficult to conceive. Male infertility is diagnosed when, after testing of both partners, reproductive problems have been found in the male partner.

How common is Male Infertility?

Infertility is a widespread problem. For about one in five infertile couples the problem lies solely in the male partner (male infertility).

Are there any of sign or symtons male infertility?

In most cases, there are no obvious signs of an infertility problem. Intercourse, erections and ejaculation will usually happen without difficulty. The quantity and appearance of the ejaculated semen generally appears normal to the naked eye.

What are the diagnostic tests for male infertility?

Following results may occur after male infertility diagnostics

  1. Azoospermia
  2. Oligospermia
  3. Loss Of Libido

How does the male reproductive system work?

The male reproductive tract is made up of the testes, a system of ducts (tubes) and other glands opening into the ducts. The testes (testis: singular) are a pair of egg shaped glands that sit in the scrotum next to the base of the penis on the outside of the body. Each normal testis is 15 to 35ml in volume in adult men. The testes are needed for the male reproductive system to function normally. The testes have two related but separate roles:

  1. Production of sperm
  2. Production of the male sex hormone.

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